
01880085400 -06

Terms and Condition

This is a public site with free access and assumes no liability for the quality and genuineness of responses. is not liable for any information provided by any individual. The individual/company would have to conduct its own background checks on the bonafide nature of all responses. will not be liable on account of any inaccuracy of information on this web site. It is the responsibility of the visitor to further research the information on the site. Any breach of privacy or of the information provided by the consumer to to be placed on the website by technical or any other means is not the responsibility of does not guarantee confidentiality of information provided to it by any person acquiring/using all/any information displayed on the website.

RESUME DISPLAY allows you to Post/Submit your resume in the website free of cost.

  1. The resume displayed can be updated free of cost.
  2. offers no guarantee n (or) warranties that there would be a satisfactory response or any response once the resume is put on display.
  3. neither guarantees nor offers any warranty about the credentials of the prospective employer/organization which down loads the information and uses it to contact the prospective employee.
  4. would not be held liable for loss of any data technical or otherwise, information, particulars supplied by customers due to reasons beyond its control like corruption of data or delay or failure to perform as a result of any causes or conditions that are beyond reasonable control including but not limited to strikes, riots, civil unrest, Govt. policies, tampering of data by unauthorized persons like hackers, war and natural calamities.
  5. It shall be sole prerogative and responsibility of the individual to check the authenticity of all or any response received pursuant to the resume being displayed by for going out of station or in station for any job, interview and assumes no responsibility in respect thereof
  6. reserves its right to reject any insertion or information/data provided by the user without assigning any reason.
  7. This subscription is not transferable i.e. it is for the same person throughout whole period.
  8. has the right to make all such modifications/editing of resume in order to fit resume in database.


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Online Job Portal
Online Job Portal