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Resume Writing Tips

How to Answer Common interview Questions?

  1. Tell me about yourself.

Answer. This is the most common question. You will be definitely asked the question in any interview. So, be prepared for the question. You should not answer the ques like, “my name is …., my school is …. My college is …. Bla bla …. !!” These are already in your resume. An interviewer is already watching your name, school, college etc. Answer something that is not in your resume. So, do not waste their time as well. Answer with some of the points that are not in your resume. Like, in my university, I have arranged a program, I was good in debate, I have participated in a fair, I have visited industries, I have seen these things there, I have learned these things. Express your mission and vision. Memorize the answer. In every interview, be sure that, you will get one to three minutes to answer this question.

Those who are already doing jobs, I will advise you to discuss your achievements to describe you. Try to make them understood that you are the person, the company is exactly looking for. Show your potentiality to the interviewers.

2. Why did you leave your last job?

Answer. Do not say that my boss was bad, I had a problem, management was not good, environment was bad, culture was not good, and co-worker was not good. It will directly prove that you are a loser. It will prove that you cannot work in a team, you are not proactive, and you cannot handle situations. Do you think an interviewer will take you after saying negative word about other company? Who know that you will again say bad word about that company in future also? So, DO NOT USE NEGATIVE STATEMENT.

Rather tell about your aim, potentiality, vision, opportunity etc. For example, I want to develop career in FMCG sector, I have adequate knowledge on branding etc. It will neither humiliate other company’s reputation nor your image.

3. What experience do you have in this field?

Answer. Read the JD for the post before you go for the interview; understand it line by line very clearly. Connect your present experiences with their requirement, for the freshers; I would suggest connecting your co-curriculum activities with the JD of the post. Remove your hesitation before sitting in front of the viva board.

4. What do you know about the organization?

Answer. It will be a crime if you do not study about the company before going for viva. Visit their website, collect information from linked in or personal networking. Know about the company. Going for a viva without knowing the company may be the reason of your rejection.

5. Do you consider yourself successful?

Answer. I know that you will answer yes, but please remember, that you have to accumulate sufficient proof to support your statement. For example, tell that you have successfully done your project of final year, you have arranged picnic event, and you were first in debate and so on.

6. Tell us your bad side.

Answer. Well, this is a tricky question, isn’t it? What will you say? You have no bad side. You are a perfect man. Is it …?? Definitely not. So, answer the question smartly. Turn your negative statements to positive.

For example, you can say, I am too much perfectionist, I care too much about my work, I like smart work rather than hard work, I prefer potentiality rather than performance, I judge people with their work rather than relationship.

7. Are you applying for other jobs?

Answer. Be honest about the question but do not spend much time here. Focus on this job and what you can do for this organization. No need to discuss on it for long time.

For example, yes, I am trying to pursue my career in FMCG sales and marketing. But your one is a reputed company and prestigious job, so, I am selected here then, I would like to stay here for at least 3 years. Why should I apply for other jobs if my career growth is ensured here as per my performance.

8. What is your expected salary?

Answer. Always remember in any negotiation table; never ask for the price first. Let the opposition to let you know their range. If you have good networking, then try to know the range before you attend the interview. You can also ask the range to them politely. Fresher people should not bargain at the beginning. Experienced people can say their present condition in terms of your life style, family members etc. From that, the interviewer will get idea about your expectation.

9. Why do you want to work with us?

Answer. Do research about the organization; about the position you are going to apply, about the sector, about the strength of that company in that sector, about the reputation of the company etc to answer the question. Take it as a challenge to work for a non-reputed company. Take it as an honor to work for reputed company. In both ways, show your potentiality to the interviewer. Let them identify that, YES, you are the person who they are looking.

10. Where do you want to see after 5 years?

Answer. Do you really know the answer of this question? If not, then think of your strength, you potentiality, your vision. Make sure that you have good career planning. You know your objective and you know the way to achieve it and also, you are ready to work hard to attain that goal.

Some tips

  1. Do not forget to bring pen during an interview. This is a crime.
  2. If interviewer asks you question in Bangla, do not answer in English. This is over-smartness.
  3. If you are weak in English, take permission from the interviewer that, you prefer Bangla for speaking.
  4. Keep eye contact with interviewer, do not look down.
  5. Switch off your phone during interview.
  6. Measure your typing speed before going to an interview. How much word you can type in one minute is a common question now days.
  7. Be well-groomed, you are no more student, mind it.
  8. Do not lie; don’t swear in front of viva board.
  9. Don’t smoke before going to viva, don’t be late.
  10. Don’t argue with the interviewer. Don’t make them confuse.
  11. Do not say that I can do any job, I can do any types of work, I need a job, please give me a job. This will ultimately lose your personality, potentiality in front of the interviewers. Even if you are a bit depressed about your career, be smart and confident in front of the viva board.
  12. Do not be arrogant in front of the interviewer. You have not yet got the job. Keep that in mind.
  13. Now a day, interviewer speaks rudely sometimes to test your emotional intelligence. Do not react on anything. Be quite. Who knows what good news is waiting for you.
  14. Give information to the interviewer both SMARTly (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bounded) and smartly.
  15. All these will come up only if you have a good resume and cover letter. A good resume will board you up to the interview board, so, emphasize on making an eye-catching resume.


10 Tips for Acing a Second Interview?

considerations for wining in second Interview :
1. Get the Agenda:
2. Research, Research, Research
3. Review Interview Questions and Answers:
4. Think About What You Didn't Say
5. Dress Professionally:
6. Be Prepared for a Lunch or Dinner Interview:
7. Ask Questions Before You Go:

Top 10 Tips for Success in the Second Interview
1. Keep up your energy and enthusiasm 
2. Be prepared to answer variations of the same questions 
3. Be concrete when discussing your qualifications.
4. Be ready for group interviews.
5. Don't forget that you are always being evaluated
6. Some site visits involve group activities
7. Be prepared to ask questions 

8. Send a follow-up communication
9. Make sure it is clear to all involved that you really want the job
10. Maintain occasional communication with your prospective employer 

Things You Shouldn't Wear to a Job Interview

1. Keep Bright, Flashy Colors to a Minimum
2. A Blazer Doesn't Upgrade the Rest of Your Outfit
3. Go Light on Perfume and Cologne
4. Leave Your Headphones at Home
5. Be Careful About Casual
6. Avoid Looking Too Dated
7. Don't Overdo Your Makeup
8. Traditional Ties Make the Best Impression
9. Keep Accessories to a Minimum

Wining Interview -7 tips

  1. Start by Studying the Company- our first step is to review the employer's website, especially the About Us section. Take a look at the company's social media presence, too. This will give you insight into how the company wants the public to perceive it. Research the company's history, its position in the market, and new developments, particularly recent or planned changes that could affect your role. Don't be afraid to request additional details about the position at hand, too. 
  2.  Envision Yourself in the Role
    If you believe your qualifications and the job requirements are the perfect match, don't be shy about envisioning yourself in that role. When asked, be prepared to comment on what you can accomplish in your first 60 or 90 days on the job; however, don't come across as a know-it-all whose mission is all about change. 
    a. Emphasize Your Independence
    b. Explain How You Will Add Value
    c. Discuss How You Stay Organized and Goal Oriented
  3.  Practice Makes Perfect : Prepare answers to commonly asked interview questions. Doing so will help you analyze your background and qualifications for the position. Plus, thinking through your responses will help you sound confident during the interview, and avoid rambling or incoherent responses
  4.  How to Handle Questions About Salary: Visit our Salary Center for salary survey information in a broad array of fields. This data will provide you with the information you need to discuss salary offers. You'll also find tips for successful handling those salary negotiations
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